Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ramadan Without Dates??

As salaamu alaikum!!

2 years ago some of you helped donate money to buy books and dates for Masjid Naim in Pereria, Colombia, alhamdulillah. Now we have a bigger project in mind, to raise money to buy dates for a few masaajid in South America and the Caribbean inshaAllah.

Barakah Dates Project is a non-profit organization collecting donations to purchase and ship dates to South American and Caribbean countries for Ramadan 2010!

Why is this so important? These countries do not import dates, and on top of that, the majority of these communities are too poor to even afford dates. Imagine never tasting dates before?! Dates are an essential part of Ramadan, let's share them with our beloved brothers and sisters, inshaAllah! Don't wait for the blessed month to arrive to start your sadaqah!

DONATE HERE using PayPal account OR credit/debit card:

Follow the project's blog:

Contact us for information on how to mail a check or money order.
Feel free to collect donations in your masjid/community/MSA!

Check out this video - the initial inspiration for the project, alhamdulillah!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful story maa shaa Allaah tabarakAllaah! His entire family reverted to Islaam and becoming a da'ee in his area to spread Islaam to others. This makes me tear up from joy! Jameelah!

.::Tuttie::. said...

mashaAllah am sharing!

Mikaela H B said...

ramadan karim sister .)

Harry Seo said...

Thanks for taking this opportunity to discuss this, I feel fervently about this and I like learning about this subject.refrigerator repair